How Many Ounces in a Pint
How many ounces in a pint? When buying items at the grocery store to prepare meals, you need to use measurements. It’s important that you have some knowledge, especially when it comes to the different units of measurements that are widely used. In the kitchen, you often see the words pint and ounces. In the US, one ounce is 1/16 of a pint.
How Many Ounces in a Pint
The United States and the United Kingdom have different conversion factors when it comes to measuring ounces and pint. The conversion factors include the following:
1 Ounce (Fluid, United States) = 0.0625 (1/16) Pint (Fluid, United States)
1 Ounce (Fluid, United Kingdom) = 0.05 (1/20) Pint (United Kingdom)
In calculating a pint, you can use conversion factors. In the case of the US and the UK, they both have different conversion factors when it comes to the use of a pint.
This is a unit of measurement commonly used in the US. The reason why there is a different conversion factors for the United States and for the United Kingdom since the US have fluid and dry pints.
This measurement is used in different kinds of liquids like beer, juice, milk, etc. In using this volume unit, you can use the abbreviation “pt” or “p”.
Looking at the difference between the British and the American measurement, one can easily see that the British has 20% larger measurement compared to Americans.
In the United Kingdom, they make use of what you call imperial pint which has 568 ml. Aside from the UK, other countries in the Commonwealth Nations and Ireland also use it.
The United States makes use of two different pints. For the dry pint, it’s equal to about 551 ml. For the liquid pint, it’s 473 ml.
The reason behind the difference when it comes the measurement of the system is traced back to 1824. That year the British finally adopted a standard system of measurement by implementing the British Weights and Measurements Act.
By making the units of measurements standard, the British has a different measurement when it comes to the value of their pint. For example, in one imperial pint, it has 20 imperial fluid ounces. In the United States, a pint has 16 US fluid ounces.
With the British standardizing the measurements, the United States still makes use of the previous measurements which results in the difference.
Countries like Canada, Australia, South Africa and New Zealand use the metric system. These countries changed to the metric system way back in 1960s and the 1970s.
Pint is still used in these countries. The only difference is that they are not using the British imperial pint; Britain still uses the imperial pint.
In fact, in measuring cider and beer, they use this unit of measurement.
In other countries like India, they have a different value for one pint, which is often used in beer.
Pints to Ounces Conversion (pt to oz)
Calculating pints and ounces can be really easy, especially since the conversion factors are already there.
You can do it manually by just using the conversion factor. However, if you want to make things easier then you can always make use of online tools.
PINTS (fluid, US) | OUNCES (fluid, US) | PINTS (fluid, US) | OUNCES (fluid, US) |
1 | 16.00 | 20 | 320.00 |
2 | 32.00 | 30 | 480.00 |
3 | 48.00 | 40 | 640.00 |
4 | 64.00 | 50 | 800.00 |
5 | 80.00 | 60 | 960.00 |
6 | 96.00 | 70 | 1120.00 |
7 | 112.00 | 80 | 1280.00 |
8 | 128.00 | 90 | 1440.00 |
9 | 144.00 | 100 | 1600.00 |
10 | 160.00 | 1000 | 16000.00 |
Ounces to Pints Conversion (oz to pt)
You can simply put in the values. Then, you already get to have the generated values and you can be sure that they’re accurate.
OUNCES (fluid, US) | PINTS (fluid, US) | OUNCES (fluid, US) | PINTS (fluid, US) |
1 | 0.0625 | 20 | 1.2500 |
2 | 0.125 | 30 | 1.8750 |
3 | 0.1875 | 40 | 2.5000 |
4 | 0.2500 | 50 | 3.1250 |
5 | 0.3125 | 60 | 3.7500 |
6 | 0.3750 | 70 | 4.3750 |
7 | 0.4375 | 80 | 5.000 |
8 | 0.5000 | 90 | 5.6250 |
9 | 0.5625 | 100 | 6.2500 |
10 | 0.6250 | 1000 | 62.500 |
The Use of Ounce
The word ounce came from the Latin word uncial. It’s a unit of mass that is used to measure different things.
Ounce is currently used in different ways. There is the international avoirdupois ounce which has 28.34 g. The ounce is used in the United States and is considered to be a standard unit. But in the United Kingdom, it’s no longer used.
The other use of ounce is the troy ounce which is equal to about 480 grains. This is equal to about 31.10 g.
Troy pound is used to measure the mass of special metals. If you are measuring silver, rhodium, platinum and gold, you use troy ounce.
Apart from the metals, bullion coins are also marketed using troy ounce. A fine ounce measures the pure gold that is found in a gold bar.
There is the standard ounce which comprises of 22 carat gold. An ounce of gold refers to 99.99% pure gold. The metric ounce has 25 grams. In other countries, they have changed the ounces in the metric system.
For instance, the Germans have a different measurement. The Dutch had their own version of ounce. In 1820, one ounce is about 100 grams.
Ounces have other uses. For instance, they are used to measure the areal density. This is used in measuring textile fabric.
Countries in Asia, the UK and North America use ounce to measure the areal density. So, you often see in fabric the following measurement – “15 oz denim”.
This actually refers to the ounce of a certain fabric.
There is also the fluid ounce which is a unit of volume that has 28 ml in the imperial system. In the US, one ounce has 30 ml.
It can be quite confusing sometimes since fluid ounce is known or referred to as just “ounce”.