How Many Days Until Christmas
How many days until Christmas? Christmas is one of the most anticipated and celebrated occasions of the year. This is the time where you get to spend quality time with your family and friends, give and receive gifts and just have a great time to relax and enjoy. Every year, people look forward to Christmas Day. There are 365 days between each Christmas and though this might seem like a long time, time really flies fast. The next thing you know, it’s already Christmas Eve and the following day is Christmas Day. It’s always interesting to know about this celebration and the historical background of the Christmas season.
Countdown to Christmas
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How Many Days Until Christmas
There are 365 days to go between Christmases. Although there are a lot of people who enjoy Christmas, few know the historical background of this special event. Historical accounts show that Jesus Christ was born on December 25 in 1 C.E.
Although the New Testament did not give a specific date for the birth of Christ, Christians celebrate Christmas on December 25.
It was the Roman pagans who introduced Saturnalia. This is a holiday that is celebrated from December 17 to December 25. This event celebrates the lawlessness where the courts were closed and no one could be punished during the celebration period.
It’s even said that at the height of the festival, authorities had that belief that they were destroying the dark force.
Apart from the Roman pagans, Greek writer Lucian described the festival in his own words. Aside from the human sacrifice, there were also customs that he described which include dionysian activities and the eating of human-shaped biscuits, custom that in a strange quirk of history survived to modern times.
Until now, there are still bakeries in Germany that produce these biscuits.
But looking at the activities and what people did in Saturnalia, it’s clear that integration of dionysian aspect of the personality was something of a great importance to the Greeks and Romans.
So to address the problem, the leaders of the church had the final day, which is December 25, to be the birthday of Jesus.
Christians over the years tried to refine and change the ancient practices of Saturnalia. But as time passes by, customs and traditions as to how people view and celebrate Christmas have significantly changed.
Origins of Christmas
During Christmas, everyone puts up Christmas trees at home, have their holiday costumes and buy gifts for their loved ones.
These are just some of the thing that we do during this holiday season. But how did they originate?
The origin of the Christmas tree originated during the time of the Roman pagans. As they celebrated the Saturnalia event, worshippers of a specific cult would worship trees.
After that, they would decorate these trees. Eventually, this was adopted by the Christians.
During the Christmas season, we give gifts to loved ones and to other people. Even the giving of presents has its origin; the emperors actually required their citizens to give certain offerings and other gifts during the Saturnalia event.
Over the years, this practice has evolved to a gift-giving spirit among people.
Preparing for Christmas
Christmas is the season where you can spend quality time with your loved ones. This is also the time of the year where you would spend the most money.
So to avoid having to incur high costs, it is important that you follow these tips for you to have an enjoyable Christmas holiday without having to hurt your pocket.
Firstly, file your holiday leave. If you’re planning to have a vacation with your family and will be away for days then it is definitely important that you file your holiday leave early.
Once you have finally filed your leave, you can now discuss your vacation plans with your family. Do you want to go abroad or just visit a place in your country?
In going on a holiday vacation abroad, it can be really expensive so you need to take into consideration different factors. In planning your trip early, you can save a lot of costs. There are a lot of early bird rate promos and deals that you can use to cut down on costs.
Search for hotel accommodations that can give you the best service at affordable rates. You can also start looking for flight deals.
Budget your time and your money well so you will not overspend. Keep in mind that apart from enjoying it, what is important is that you have quality time with your loved ones.
In buying Christmas presents, there might be a lot of people on your list. To avoid having to splurge in a one-time spending, it actually helps that you have a budget.
Create the list of people who will receive your gifts. Know what they like and from there you can start listing the items that you think they will appreciate and like to receive. You can start buying the gifts ahead of time.
You can also go to a mall or store sale so you can buy the items at lower prices.
The Christmas season happens just once a year and everyone wants to enjoy the festive mood. From putting up a Christmas tree to buying presents for your loved ones, this is definitely the most joyous time of the year. Make your loved ones feel special.